1.She had uncommon features, Bright eyes and graceful eyebrows, and although no great beauty she possessed considerable charrm.
2.Like the birds, they go on singing, like a storm full of wind, rain and thunder and great beauty of light.
3.Princess Diana was a woman of great beauty, and her sons Henry and William inherit some of her looks.
4.Some of these images are of great beauty, and are often the personal work of gifted Commoners.
5.The Collie should instantly appeal as a dog of great beauty, standing with impassive dignity, with no part out of proportion to the whole.
6.It is all part of Mother Nature and it is all coordinated into great beauty on Planet Earth even in times of overdevelopment by man.
7.Still it was a face of great beauty, captured in translucent stone, forever frozen in a sad, knowing smile.
8.Jung's dreams in 1925-6 and thereafter frequently found him in ancient houses surrounded by alchemical codices of great beauty and mystery.
9.Her eyes were pearls, which gave her great beauty, but meant she was blind.
10.After all it is perfectly normal indeed deeply human to be moved when nature presents us with a vision of great beauty.